Create Movie Search Engine Using Javascript

Master Figma app to get a job in UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design, Web Design & UX design.


Create Movie Search Engine Using Javascript

  • Using Javascript, build a movie search engine.
  • Bootstrap is a framework for building web applications.
  • What is the best way to work with the user interface?
  • How to show movies on your computer
  • What is the best way to find movies on the internet?
  • What is the best way to show movie information?
  • Making HTTP requests is a simple procedure.
  • There’s a lot more…


  • Good skills with Javascript.
  • A computer with Windows or a Mac can be used.
  • The Internet is working.


This course will show you how to make a movie search engine from scratch with Javascript. You’ll learn a lot in this class. Web apps are a great way to make a great movie search engine. During this class, you will learn how to search for moves. You will also learn how to get movies, how to show different movies, and how to show movie information in a good web app.

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